
The Importance of Nurturing Leads

Understanding your audience before creating relevant and unique messages helps to ensure your campaign will see a higher response rate and ultimately a higher return on investment.  But in order to understand your audience it is important to take the time to review your database and analyze and sort the data into usable information regarding your consumer.
Statistics from show that about half of the people in your database are not ready to buy yet.  While it’s important to continue communication with that portion of your audience, that half of your audience should receive different types of messages than the portion of your core audience that is ready to make a purchase.
Another staggering statistic was that about 79 percent of leads produced from campaigns are not followed up with properly by the sales team simply because they did not take the time to review the customer database and sort the brand’s core audience into smaller like-minded subgroups and then follow up with them with a relevant message.
Finally, a CSO report showed that marketing teams that take the time to properly manage their database reported about a 9 percent higher sales rate than companies that do not properly manage their consumer databases.
Using database management to produce personalized direct mail and email messages enable your campaign to see higher response rates and ultimately increased sales.  How are you using database marketing to increase your campaign’s response rates?
Timothy Freeman
Print & Graphic Communications Association

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