
Compressed Air Efficiency

Gary Jones, Assistant Vice President, EHS Affairs, Printing Industries of America recently circulated an article on compressed air efficiency to subscribers of PIA’s EHS Listserve. 

As I read through his article, I realize that some of it is a bit too complicated for me.  But I do understand that air compressors can consume a great deal of energy.  When air leaks occur in air compressor systems, the leak will cause the compressor to cycle prematurely.  This unnecessary cycling over time can add up to big bucks.  Unfortunately, many don’t even realize it’s happening.  The compressors are usually located somewhere in the facility where little attention is given. And when it’s noticed, what’s noticed is “Oh, the compressor came on.”  Well, compressors are supposed to come on.  When the air pressure drops, the compressor comes on.  Right?  Of course.  That’s what it’s supposed to do.  The concern that needs to be noted is, if there is an air leak, the compressor is losing air because of the leak. The leak will trigger a cycle and cause the compressor to start up when it doesn’t need to.  It comes on because it needs to replace the compressed air that has leaked out.  The question, is how many times does this

happen throughout the day, the week, the month, the year?  And, what about compressors that are left on overnight or over the weekend?   It is something you may wish to give thought to.  It’s not impossible to recognize that hundreds or even thousands of dollars may be lost to this oversight.

Compressed Air Efficiency

The Printing Industries of America EHS Listserve circulates articles and news items of interest to members.  To sign up, send an email to Jim Kyger at

Jerry Banks

Manager of Membership Services

Print & Graphic Communications Association



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